My final project


Other favourite projects in the Fab Academy

Processing and kinect

This project was done in the 5th Week (3d printing and scanning). I worked on Processing with kinect in an effort to make a scanner that tracks objects and calculates their trajectory.

Computer vision



OpenKinect Library for Processing





I put together computer vision tracking and openKinect, and wrote a sketch hoping to do the following: the users clicks on an object on the videocamera image, and then the computer tracks this object from its colour and finds its distance from the Kinect. By storing all the distance and position measurements in arrayLists, the trajectory of that moving object can be calculated, using 3d polar (spherical) coordinate system. In summary, the tracking of the object is done by Kinect’s videocamera alone , and the distance is found by the depth sensor. Then the x,y,z coordinates of the object are calculated and drawn on the screen.



The sketch is not working perfectly yet, if you want to help visit 5th Week for more information.

If you want to download my processing sketch:
Version that is working with 1) tracking and 2) distance but without drawing trajectory, click here.
Version that is with 1) tracking, 2) distance and 3) trajectory, but not working very well, click here.

Press-fit construction kit

Press-fit construction kit

The conception and fabrication of a press-fit construction kit, the assignment of the 3rd Week, fascinated me a lot. I wanted to have as few and as simple distinct pieces as possible, but at the same time offer as many possibilities for connections as possible in three dimensions, so that complex wholes can be achieved. What is more, I wanted the piece to remain as small as possible. What I came up with was a combination of different joints in one piece. The material I decided to use was scraps of 3mm mdf plywood that always exist in the fablab.

After a long process of development, I finally got to my final module. It is not at all perfect, but it works. Or at least it fulfils my two basic requirements: when it is joined with other pieces the connection is stable, and it can be assembled and disassembled many times without breaking. I ended up making two versions of the final module: a long one and a short one, plus a connector for stabilising the whole. Here they are.

Press-fit construction kit

Playing with the pieces turned out to be surprisingly interesting. These examples are not exhaustive as I am still discovering possibilities and nice ideas about how to assemble my kit.

Press-fit construction kit

Press-fit construction kit

Press-fit construction kit

Press-fit construction kit

Press-fit construction kit

Press-fit construction kit

Press-fit construction kit

Press-fit construction kit

Press-fit construction kit
