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Student Archive || Student no - 183 || FabLab CEPT, Ahmedabad |

output devices


/Assignment goals

Intro - Choosing the output device

My final project consists of a spherical bin that has to be rotated 2-3 rotations at a leisurely pace at periodic intervals, I've acquired a 12v 10 rpm - geared DC motor for the above mentioned purpose.

the chosen Motor

Learning about MOSFETs and H-bridges

Learning's from Datasheet

The pinout diagram from the datasheet is what I used to pick the digital pin I needed to drive the gate of the n-mosfet

I selected PA1 - it is a general I/O port and the description is as follows

The block diagram for a I/O pin

I used arduino libraries to toggle the pins on/off as seen in the part-code below

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);   // turn the MOSFET-GATE on (HIGH is the voltage level)

the command digitalWrite is doing the following

invoking the compiled version of FabModules

Selecting the 1/64 profile to mill traces

Selecting the 1/32 profile to cut edges

Milled boards :)

Designing the circuit

Adding components in the schematic is done through this dialog, 'a' is the keyboard shortcut to add components.

This is the CvPCB window where all the components you have added to your schematic will need to be assigned footprints here

After assigning footprints, one has to generate the netlist and then read that netlist in PCBnew - which is the PCB layout software

Milling and Stuffing

View post on imgur.com


Used Arduino UNo as the programmer, reluctantly as my FabISP's micro-usb port is very finnicky and the lab's avrmsk2 wasn't responding

              void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin 13 as an output.
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);   // turn the MOSFET-GATE on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(10000);              // wait for 10 secondS
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);    // turn the MOSFET-GATE off by making the voltage LOW
  delay(300000);              // wait for 5 MINUTES

Demo video

In the final project

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