*Propose a final project that integrates the range of units covered, answering the following questions.
Neil's class Summary
Components: Small solenoid, led bar, button, potentiometer, power switch, ATTiny44 Micro, common resistances and capacitor, 5V voltage regulator, transistor, pinheaders, battery, maybe 3d printed parts. Materials: 3cm thick wood, PCB board, sealant.
Most of the components will be from fabkit, except the solenoid, potentiometer and led bar that I will buy at a local electronics store.
I estimate a total cost between 30 and 40 dollars.
1. Make a custom PCB board with a micro, phototransistor, potentiomenter, ledbar, button and solenoid control.
2. Program the board.
3. Make the case.
4. Make somekind of instrument for holding it firm when using it?
1. Electronic design.
2. Electronic production.
3. 3D design.
4. 3D printer.
1 .What is the most accurate sensor to capture visible light? And to capture distances? Is there any other sensor (directional) that captures other information?
2. Which XY or XYZ robotic devices can I incorporate? What possibilities do they offer?
3. What if instead of using drawing pointers I use a pointer that presses a physical object deforming it? Is that a relief photograph? Or a sculpture? Or both?
I plan to test the device myself and with other people as well. It is important to know that the purpose of the instrument, like any other artistic tool, does not "create" anything by itself, the human sensibility of the "artist" will ultimately be the differential factor.