Interface and Application Programming


Last updated: 25/05/2016

Write an application that interfaces with an input &/or output device that you made.

Learning outcomes
1.Interpret and implement programming protocols;

Have I...
Described my process using words/images/screenshots?
Explained the protocols I used?
Had a fun time?
Outlined problems and how I fixed them?
Included original code?

This week I started with making a simple serial interface with Processing. Then I moved on to web app design, that challenged me quite a lot. I used nodejs and johnny five as platforms.
Interface with Processing
In the first place I wanted to build a simple interface with Processing, a programming environment that I am quite familiar with. I took the I2C network that I built in week 15 and I made it interact with my laptop through Serial communication. I first looked at this tutorial that absolutely did not work. At least it gave me an idea of how to set up my code. I kept the same code in the slaves of the I2C network and I prototyped this interface with and Arduino Mega as a master. The arduino code is as follows:

#include Wire.h

void setup()
  Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
  Serial.begin(115200); //same as in the Processing sketch

void loop()

  char val = 0;
  //serial reading from Processing
  if (Serial.available())
     val = (char); // read it and store it in val
  //each number received corresponds to a different slave request
  if (val == '1')
    Wire.requestFrom(4, 1);
  else if (val == '2')
    Wire.requestFrom(5, 1);

   else if (val == '3')
    Wire.requestFrom(6, 1);

  while(Wire.available()) // slave may send less than requested
    int i =; // receive a byte as character

  delay(10); //small delay is necessary for the Arduino not to freeze

Installing Processing on Ubuntu is on week 11. In Processing I took the button example and I just tuned it and adapted to my case. I simply aimed at designing a simple button interface with some labels next to them. The code follows:

import processing.serial.*;

Serial myPort;

//defining the shapes
int rectX, rectY;
int rect1X, rect1Y;
int rect2X, rect2Y;
int rectSize = 150;
color rectColor, rect1Color, rect2Color, baseColor;
color rectHighlight, rect1Highlight, rect2Highlight;
//setting the booleans for the mousover interaction
boolean rectOver = false;
boolean rect1Over = false;
boolean rect2Over = false;

void setup() {
  size(900, 500);
  //myPort = new Serial(this, "/dev/ttyACM0", 115200);
  myPort = new Serial(this, "COM4", 115200);
  //colors of the buttons
  rectColor = color(30);
  rectHighlight = color(100);
  rect1Color = color(30);
  rect1Highlight = color(100);
  rect2Color = color(30);
  rect2Highlight = color(100);
  //position of the buttons
  rectX = width/4 -rectSize;
  rectY = height/2-rectSize/2;
  rect1X = width/2-rectSize/2;
  rect1Y = height/2-rectSize/2;
  rect2X = width/4+3*rectSize;
  rect2Y = height/2-rectSize/2;

  background(100, 200, 200);
  //texts on the interface
  text("Serial to I2C Communication", 30, 60);
  text("Node 1", 80, 150);
  text("Node 2", 380, 150);
  text("Node 3", 680, 150);

  rect(0, 450, 900, 50);


void draw() {

  update(mouseX, mouseY);

  //to get the opacity on mouseover
  if (rectOver) {
  } else {
  rect(rectX, rectY, rectSize, rectSize, 15);

  if (rect1Over) {
  } else {
  rect(rect1X, rect1Y, rectSize, rectSize, 15);

  if (rect2Over) {
  } else {
  rect(rect2X, rect2Y, rectSize, rectSize, 15);


//gets as input the mouse position and checks whether the cursor is on top of any of the three buttons
void update(int x, int y) {
  if ( overRect(rectX, rectY, rectSize, rectSize) ) {
    rectOver = true;
    rect1Over = false;
    rect2Over = false;
  } else if ( overRect1(rect1X, rect1Y, rectSize, rectSize) ) {
    rect1Over = true;
    rectOver = false;
    rect2Over = false;
  }  else if ( overRect2(rect2X, rect2Y, rectSize, rectSize) ) {
    rect2Over = true;
    rect1Over = false;
    rectOver = false;
  } else {
    rect1Over = rectOver = rect2Over = false;
//events when the mouse is pressed: send a value through serial. Also, a check on the monitor is done to see whether the values are actually sent.
void mousePressed() {
  if (rectOver) {


  if (rect1Over) {
  if (rect2Over) {

boolean overRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)  {
  if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x+width &&
      mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y+height) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

boolean overRect1(int x, int y, int width, int height)  {
  if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x+width &&
      mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y+height) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

boolean overRect2(int x, int y, int width, int height)  {
  if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x+width &&
      mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y+height) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

The result is shown in the picture below. A pretty ugly interface, with labeling for clarity.

Below instead is a short movie of the interaction.

The interface worked well when using the Arduino Mega, as shown in the video. However, when I tried to hook up the Satshakit it did not work. Debugging was quite difficult as there is no LED for the communication channel as there is on the Arduino, so I did not know where the interruption of signal happened.
Web Interface with Nodejs
As a second challenge I tried and succeded in building a simple web-app that could communicate with the Arduino. The firt attempt was the one to read values on a webpage from the Arduino through the serial port. The workflow is shown in the picture below.

I started with downloading all the necessary programs and packets. I did find this repository really useful. I downloaded the following three applications:

$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ sudo apt-get install npm
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
Npm allows you to manage the packets for Nodejs. I downloaded:

$ npm install serialport

After that, I starte to follow a really good tutorial from NYU that really took me hand in hand in understanding the basics of structuring a sketch with node and websockets as server provider. Follow this link. I did really follow all the steps listed there, so I will here only show the final result, which is divided into three pieces of code. First I put the following code on the Arduino Mega, that is a simple counter sent over serial.

  int i = 0;

  void setup()
  void loop()
    //only enters the loop when a byte is sent over from node
    if (Serial.available())
      char input =;

That was it for the Arduino. Nothing fancy, I just wanted to learn how to set it all up. Then I started looking at nodejs and the functionalities of the library serialport. I made a folder named NodeSerial_from_Arduino and there I made a .js file. Also, I there downloaded the node packets. The sketch eventually looked like:

var serialport = require('serialport'); // include the library
   SerialPort = serialport.SerialPort;
var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server;

var SERVER_PORT = 8081; // port number for the webSocket server, that needs to match the one in the html script
var wss = new WebSocketServer({port: SERVER_PORT}); // the webSocket server
var connections = new Array;
   portName = process.argv[2]; //portname is passed on as argument from terminal
var myPort = new SerialPort(portName, {
   baudRate: 9600,
   parser: serialport.parsers.readline("\n")

 //events list when the serial communication is started
 myPort.on('open', showPortOpen);
 myPort.on('data', sendSerialData);
 myPort.on('close', showPortClose);
 myPort.on('error', showError);
 wss.on('connection', handleConnection);

 //function list to set up the serial communication
 function handleConnection(client) {
  console.log("New Connection"); // you have a new client
  connections.push(client); // add this client to the connections array
  client.on('message', sendToSerial)
{console.log("sending request to Arduino");}
  ; // when a client sends a message,
  client.on('close', function() { // when a client closes its connection
  console.log("connection closed"); // print it out
  var position = connections.indexOf(client); // get the client's position in the array
  connections.splice(position, 1); // and delete it from the array

 function sendToSerial(data) {
 function broadcast(data) {
    for (myConnection in connections) {   // iterate over the array of connections
    connections[myConnection].send(data); // send the data to each connection
 function showPortOpen() {
    console.log('port open. Data rate: ' + myPort.options.baudRate);
 function sendSerialData(data) {
 if (connections.length > 0) {
 function showPortClose() {
    console.log('port closed.');
 function showError(error) {
    console.log('Serial port error: ' + error);

Lastly I made a folder in the same directory called Public and I put the index.html there. I used the P5 library for javascript, that seemed more accessible to me. The code is below:

 !DOCTYPE html>
 script type="text/javascript" src="">
 script type="text/javascript" src="">
 script type="text/javascript">

 var text;
 var socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8081");

 function setup()

   createCanvas(400, 200);

   // The socket connection needs two event listeners:
   socket.onopen = openSocket;
   socket.onmessage = showData;

   text = createDiv("Counter:");
   //when the websocket communication is established
   function openSocket() {
       text.html("Socket open");
       socket.send("Hello server");
   //when there are data coming from serial and are displayed
   function showData(result) {
      text.html("Counter:" +;
      text.position(50, 100);

 function draw()
   var c = color(255, 204, 0);
   rect(40, 120, 310, 5);


 meta charset="utf-8">


Once again the interface is quite simple and boring, but it worked. As shown below, I need to launch from terminal

$ cd directory
$node file.js /dev/ttyACM0

The node script sends the first byte to the arduino, which starts to send data back. The counter is displayed on the .html page.

Introduction to Johnny-Five
Johnny Five is an awesome platform that allows to control boards such as Arduino with javascript and potentially from the web. In order to quickly get going with it, I decided to simply follow two basic tutorial. In the first place I followed these instructions. Very concise and useful. In the first place I uploaded the sketch StandardFirmata from the example list on the Arduino Mega. After I had downloaded the jhonny-five packets through

$ npm install johnny-five

I run the following example with node.

var five = require("johnny-five"),
    board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  // Create an Led on pin 13
  var led = new five.Led(13);

  // Strobe the pin on/off, defaults to 100ms phases

Things got a bit more fun when I attached a piezo speaker to the Arduino and run the following javascript code, taken from the examples on the Johnny Five webpage.

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  // Create a standard `piezo` instance on pin 3
  var piezo = new five.Piezo(3);

  // Plays a song{
    // song is composed by an array of pairs of notes and beats
    // The first argument is the note (null means "no note")
    // The second argument is the length of time (beat) of the note (or non-note)
    song: [
      ["C4", 1 / 4],
      ["D4", 1 / 4],
      ["F4", 1 / 4],
      ["D4", 1 / 4],
      ["A4", 1 / 4],
      [null, 1 / 4],
      ["A4", 1],
      ["G4", 1],
      [null, 1 / 2],
      ["C4", 1 / 4],
      ["D4", 1 / 4],
      ["F4", 1 / 4],
      ["D4", 1 / 4],
      ["G4", 1 / 4],
      [null, 1 / 4],
      ["G4", 1],
      ["F4", 1],
      [null, 1 / 2]
    tempo: 100

Last week has been really interesting and useful for me. I started with something in my comfort zone: programming with Processing. However, this was a bit more advanced than the little I could do before and I was satisfied with it. Web programming was a bit more difficult for me. However, I think I now have enough basis to start a project in that direction, it just takes me much more than one week only.
