Tim Bruening - Fab Academy 2016

Week #1 - Principles and Practices

The first week started out with a bang. Neil did a good job letting us know what we are in for. The task ahead is long, hard and difficult. I will need to keep myself on track, but the rewards are worth it.

Here is a list of tasks as I see them for the first week. (Not necessarily in this order)

Learn HTML

I went on the w3schools site to use their tutorials. I made it through the first 10 lessons. I tried making my own changes to the tutorials and printed the ones I thought would help me at a later time. 

Those printouts became the beginnings of my HTML binder. I like to have my information in a nice neat package for reference.

I used the same process to learn GIT. I found a few tuturials online and picked up a few tips. I also read some of the extra readings suggested by Neil. Anything I thought might be useful later went into my new GIT binder.

Next I tackled the job of using my newfound HTML knowledge. Looking at quite a few files from other students I started to grasp the meaning of all the new symbols. I created 4 files this first week.

Here is a copy of "tim.html" This sets up my personal bio page. I had some trouble imputting graphics into my files at first. I eventually discovered that *.PDF files are not considered a graphic file for HTML programming.

Looking at the code below you can see there are quite a lot of characters and words that you need to learn. 

In order to input test you need to start with a "p" between less than or equal to signs. You must then end the test with "/p" between the same symbols. 

I cannot put the exact examples into my description because the html package I am using will they are for real. 

Other symbols used are: "br" between the same symbols stands for a break or space. "h3" and "/h3" turn larger text on and off. 

An indented list begins with "ul" then each line begins with "l" and ends with "/l" The "/" forward bracket turns off the commands.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">



  <title>About Me - Tim Bruening - Fab Academy 2014</title>


h1 {font-family:arial;font-size:200%;text-align:center;}

h2 {font-family:arial;font-size:150%;text-align:center;}

h3 {font-family:arial;font-size:125%;text-align:center;}

p {font-family:arial;font-size:100%;}

a {font-family:arial;font-size:100%;}




<h1>Tim Bruening - Fab Academy 2016</h1>

<h2>About me</h2>


I am an Instructor at Lorain County Community College. I started at

LCCC as a student at the age of 30 in 1981. Working as a maintenance

machinist at a large iron ore unloading facility on the Cleveland, Ohio

lakefront did not seem like a career that would last me to retirement

and I needed to upgrade my skills. In 1989 LCCC hired me to teach

industrial classes for their many apprentice programs and I have been

here ever since. I kept up with my education and eventually earned a

Masters in Industrial Engineering from Cleveland State University in




I teach all types of mechanical related courses including Manufacturing

Processes I &amp; II, Introduction to Fluid Power, Alternative

Energy Mechanical Systems, Technical Problem Solving, etc.


<hr style="width: 80%;">


My hobbies include woodworking and that led to my getting involved with

LCCC's FABlab around 2007. It is amazing what can be added to a project

when you can personalize it. In 2014 when our lead FABlab faculty Scott

Zitek participated in Fab Academy 2014 I filled in for him as

instructor for our "Introduction to Personal Fabrication" course. This

semester I will teach my fourth section of the course to free up Scott

for FAB academy 2016.


<hr style="width: 80%;">


<a href="index.html">Back to index</a>



Did you know that there are only three basic types of graphic files used in html code? I do now. .jpg .png .gif It took me two hours last night to figure out why my .pdf files would not appear. 

I found out that a .pdf is not a graphic file.

Here is the main background graphic for my web page. This is a picture of an assortment of 3D printed projects on view at a Stratasys seminar.

smiley face

Here is a screen shot of my bio page.  It looks much better from the FAB site.  

smiley face

Here is a screen shot of my original project idea, a vacuum form machine.

smiley face

Learn GIT

Git was also a lesson of the sheltered life i've led. I read quite a bit of the tutorials and will need to practice and study a lot more.

Create a website

Our mentor, Scott Zitek gave us a great tutorial on how to setup our websites. He strongly advised us to not recreate the wheel. I looked at many examples to create my files.

I think the best piece of advice from both Neil and Scott was to try littlebits at a time and check to see what they looked like. I know that helped quite a bit for me. 

I learned a long time ago when troubleshooting you shold not make too many changes at a time. You may have difficulty know which solution did the trick. One small change at a time and you see an immediate reaction.

Download GIT

I downloaded Git4windows to one of my laptops so I can push files to the GIThub. I was able to configure an account with my SSH key, my name and my email address. 

I have another computer that I will setup as a dual boot machine with Windows and Ubuntu.

Here are two images of the web site you can download GIT from.

smiley face
smiley face

Push files to GIThub

In order for me to push files to the Git Hub I need to use Ubuntu.  I purchased a new Asus laptop that I will use exclusely for the FAB Academy.  When FAB academy is over I can use the computer for "Grandpa's FABlab.

The computer came loaded with Windows 7.  I went onto the Ubuntu site and downloaded Ubuntu and used the option of a dual boot system.  If no choices are made at start up the system will default to Ubuntu.

Here are the steps I used to upload or push files to my account.