Tim Bruening - Fab Academy 2016

About me

I am an Instructor at Lorain County Community College. I started at LCCC as a student at the age of 30 in 1981. Working as a maintenance machinist at a large iron ore unloading facility on the Cleveland, Ohio lakefront did not seem like a career that would last me to retirement and I needed to upgrade my skills. In 1989 LCCC hired me to teach industrial classes for their many apprentice programs and I have been here ever since. I kept up with my education and eventually earned a Masters in Industrial Engineering from Cleveland State University in 1998.

I teach all types of mechanical related courses including Manufacturing Processes I & II, Introduction to Fluid Power, Alternative Energy Mechanical Systems, Technical Problem Solving, etc.

My hobbies include woodworking and that led to my getting involved with LCCC's FABlab around 2007. It is amazing what can be added to a project when you can personalize it. In 2014 when our lead FABlab faculty Scott Zitek participated in Fab Academy 2014 I filled in for him as instructor for our "Introduction to Personal Fabrication" course. This semester I will teach my fourth section of the course to free up Scott for FAB academy 2016.

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