Welcome to FabAcademy 2017
"How to make almost anything"

FabLabs and digital fabrication are changing how manufacturing will be done in the future. Locally, by empowering people bringing them from the consumer side to the Prosumer (produce and consume) side widening the spectrum of possibilities of how a problem can be solve.

FabAcademy is an intensive course on "Digital Fabrication" where hundreds of students around the world get connected to learn the art of manipulate atoms through all the different skills that our great mentors will pass on to us.
From CNC milling, coding, molding and casting, electronic design and many others. Once you graduate from the Academy you become part of the collective revolution that will eventually help to create the solution in to so many problems that are still yet to come.

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Projects from FabAcademy 2016

Bits and Atoms are strong with our mentors...

Master Gershenfeld
May the bits and atoms be with you...

Creative Commons License