Assignment 9                                           22.3.2017

Topic: Mechanical Design (week 1 of 2)

Make a machine, including the end effector, build the passive parts and operate it manually.

Learning outcomes:

Have you:

Our group and a machine

This topic was carried out as a part of group work. I joined to group with Eino and Jari from Fab lab Oulu. We will publish also our group pages.

We talked a lot, what would be our machine. Individually and together, we studied other earlier works and talked solutions. One machine would be mechanics of a 3D scanner. The second might be a walking machine. This idea inspired us. Maybe, three leg machine can walk. Even, it turns left and right and go backwards.

Eino made a big work to prepare cutting plan and cut parts for two linear actuators from cardboard and me and Jari assembled the parts. It took several times. Especially, the lead screw and the nut, how to fix them in place.

actuator 1

actuator 2

We need one more actuator for a walking machine. Also, a chassis of the machine we need. First time I used color codes to control laser power. We didn't engraved anything, only limited the power for folding lines. Eino studied the correct values: cutting speed 90%, power 100% and frequency 35% for cutting (blue lines) and speed 100%, power 50% and frequency 30% for folding lines (red lines). We used Epilog  Fusion CO2 laser with 75 Watts of power.

color control

Since actuators were ready, it was time to think a machine. I made some sketching and 3D modeling.

sketch a

I had problem to push my files to repository, but Ivan helped me a lot.


Here is my idea, three legs walker. It consists of three linear actuators we made. I modeled the idea by CAD. Then, we talked can it operate. Maybe it needs some friction material under the legs.


Finally, here is the walking machine we decided to realize. We manually stepped it forward and it works.


Original design files of three legs walker:

My NX CAD file is here.
This also in DXF format is here.
The model in STL format is here.

Manufacturing files of three legs walker:

3x Leg: Frame%20vaaka.dxf, Faceup%20color.dxf and Facedown%20color.dxf.
2x Body: FabactuatorFRAMEsheet3.dxf. It also in pdf format: ylouhisa_FabactuatorFRAMEdo.pdf.

Our group page is here.