17. application and implication

Week assignment is..
○ propose a final project that integrates the range of units covered, answering:

  • what will it do?
  • - I will make a puppet which is a clock and speaks in puppet's voice.

  • who's done what beforehand?
  • - bocco/ PACO :digital companion

  • what materials and components will be required?
  • - Electronics components : Speaker,Attiny44,SDcard & soket, opamp, real time clock module, switch... etc..
    - Body : Felt, thread,

  • where will they come from?
  • - Electronics components // digikey(online shop) or Kaho parts center(Fukuoka,Japna)
    - Felt/thread/cotton // 100 yen store

  • how much will it cost?
    • $5.0・real time clock module
      $5.0・AC adaptor battery
      $3.0・puppet (felt / thread/ cotton)
      $5.0・atmega328p board

      Total $25.0

    • what parts and systems will be made?
    • what processes will be used?
    • - Making clock and speaker - Electronics / embedded programming
      - Making a puppet - 3D aided desgin and 2d controlled cutting

    • what tasks need to be completed?
    • - make a program for clock / speaking its voice
      - design and make a puppet

    • what is the schedule?
    • My workload is here.

    • how will it be evaluated?
    • - use in the fablab / workshops : making a personal puppet in my fablab.