Assignment 8                                            15.3.2017

Topic: Embedded Programming

Read a microcontroller data sheet.
Program your board to do something, with as many different programming languages and programming environments as possible.
Optionally, experiment with other architectures.

Learning outcomes:

Identify relevant information in a microcontroller data sheet.
Implement programming protocols.

Have you:

Documented what you learned from reading a microcontroller data sheet.
What questions do you have? What would you like to learn more about?
Programmed your board.
Described the programming process/es you used.
Included your code.

ATTINY 24/44/84 Data Sheet

At first, I read data sheet of ATTINY44 family of microcontrollers. I have read it some times earlier. However, I read it now thorough. Typical readings are, for example,  pin orders, drive possibilities of individual pins, etc.
Also, many seldom needed information might be found there, such as interrupts and sleep modes. Manufacturer publish short and long story of the data sheet and publish also corrections if needed.

ATTiny44A features 4K fash memory, 8-bit and 16-bit Timer/Counter, 10-bit ADC, operating voltage 1.8 - 5.5 V, power consumption 210 uA at 1.8 V and 1 MHz and temperature range -40  - +85 °C. Speed grade is 0 - 4 MHz 1.8 - 5.5 V, 0 - 10 MHz 2.7 - 5.5 V and 0 - 20 MHz 4.5 - 5.5V. Pin order is following:
a44 pins

Programming ATTINY44A

I programmed my board earlier, when I made it. I documented it in Assignment 6. It was simple Arduino based code that blinked a LED and  faster if button pressed. I used FAB TinyISP programmer there. I have got help from page

Now, I want use Atmel Studio 7 and do the same blinking LED code at first. I created new project as GCC Executable Project.

new project

Then, I selected proper device, ATtiny44A from ATtiny device family. Then, as important thing to get Avrdude and FAB TinyISP working seamlessly with Atmel Studio, I added command avrdude -c usbtiny -p t44 -U flash:w:"$(SolutionName).hex" to Project documentation as Build events and to Post-build event command line.
This starts programming of the board after compile by this Avrdude command and via FAB tinyISP programmer. Also, I found ready made old cable from a computer I think. I used it as FTDI cable even it has 8x2 pins.


Blink and button programs

Then, I tested two programs. Both were written by C language and I wrote them with help of page I compiled the code and programmed my board by Build command in Atmel Studio IDE. This first one code blinks the LED connected to PORT B as pin PB2.


The second code blinked the LED faster, if the button pressed. Button was connected to PORT A as pin PA7. I have got help also from page


Echo program hello.ftdi.44.echo.c

The third program might send certain text to the computer, if some text wrote first. I tested example program hello.ftdi.44.echo.c from Fab Academy page. It compiled well, when I added proper clock definition by #define F_CPU 20000000UL command at the beginning.

However, the text was unreadable, even I changed byte rates to FTDI usb-to-serial cable and a terminal  program. I used TeraTerm as a terminal program. Maybe, the reason could be unprogrammed fuses.

I had also earlier problem with fuses, when I programmed my FAB TinyISP programmer with Avrdude (version 5.11) program.  Earlier, I used one ready installed Atmel Studio 7 in our lab's computer (Windows 7) and AtmelICE programmer. And, now I used the same and succeeded. I set the fuses, but still the hello.ftdi.44.echo.c text was unreadable.

Next, I coded similar program as Arduino program with help of page I added blinking LED to be sure of proper working. I set baud rate to 9600 and used internal 1 MHz clock.
Then, I loaded empty sketch to Arduino and connected my hello board to Arduino UNO: PA0 (TX) to Arduino's pin 1 (TX) and PA1 (RX) to Arduino's pin 0 (RX). I opened Arduino's Serial monitor and I was able to read some text, but there still exist extra marks.

a hello

a monitor

It means the clock and baud rate problem solved. Further, I commented the data echoing and now program sent only programmed data. And, extra marks disappeared. I changed to 8 MHz internal clock and set it by burning Bootloader.
And again, I was able to read text clearly. It means TX connection to my board got disturbances somewhere. Then, I changed to external 20 MHz clock. Led blinks but text was now unreadable. It means external 20 MHz clock problem. However, I was able to change clock back to internal 1 MHz.

Next, I checked my board. I cleaned tracks for RX and TX pins and HEUREKA, also the echoing started to work properly.

Only the external clock problem remained. Maybe I check signals by oscilloscope later.

Wake-up Attiny44

sleepAs a fourth program, I interested to test wake-up function of Attiny microcontroller. 

I made several trials and found lot of help from many internet pages.

The final help found from page

I edited the code with my earlier experiences and needs and got the program for Attiny44, which blinks led for 10 times and go to sleep. Parameter mode was not used.

It wakes-up, when button pressed, do the blinks 10 times and sleep again.

I used PCINT interrupt mode, because button was connected to pin PA7/PCINT7. In this mode, Attiny44 reacts, when pin change occurs. 

As a sleep mode, I used SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN and it means internal clock and everything stops, but interrupts only works. It drops power consumption to minimum. Data sheet says 0.1 uA at 1.8 V.

I tested my code several times and wondered disturbances. Even I didn't touch, the board woke up.
I checked my code again and found a mistake. Port A needed to initialize also. I must read data sheet again. And, I added two lines to my code as red mark shows. Then, it worked well.

I measured also power consumption. At 5 V operation voltage it took maximum7 mA. Sleep current was 0.000 mA, because I couldn't measure uAs. Further, it worked even by 1.8 V, but with very dim blinking led.

Comments and To-do: Avrdude and fuses

Neil's Hello code got 2256 bytes of .hex file and my similar Arduino code 6637 bytes. Thus, it is 3 times bigger.
My wake-up code got 816 bytes.

Could I still use Avrdude for fuses? I would like to test more the command:

avrdude -p t44 -P usb -c usbtiny -U lfuse:w:0x5E:m.

Maybe later, if I have time.

Blink a led code: BlinkL_main.c
Blink a led by button code: BlinkButton_main.c
FABHello code: FABHello.ino
Wake-up Attiny44 code: IntB02_main.c.

Other boards and microcontrollers

I collected several boards with several microcontrollers I own and wanted to test here with Atmel Studio IDE.
One interesting is Wemos D1 mini pro. It use 32-bit 80 MHz ESP8266 microcontroller and include Wifi functioning.

Maybe, I test them later, if I have more time.