Output Devices

During this week I decided to continue the work on the final project.
As I described during the exercise in the [WEEK11], my machine will have a reactive surface to the proximity of the hands, so I decided to use servo motors to get the motion of it.

The first step was to make the board [hello.servo.44.cad] downloadable from the fabAcademy's archive.

I designed the board with Inkscape in order to realize it with our Trotec laser machine.

Download the [board] here

Unfortunately I was not able to run the board. Probably some mistakes in soldering process or the laser has not completely removed the copper around the traces. Don't worry! As in [WEEK11] used a Satshakit to control the servo motor. Starting from the input design exercise, I used the hall sensor to control the servo, exactly as it will be in my final project.

The value read by the Hall sensor is converted to a value between 0 and 180 using the [map function].

Here you can download the [code] and see the result in the video beside.