Input Devices

In the final project there will be a reactive surface.
I'd like to get a flat surface, without visible electronic components or sensors. So I decided to test the functioning of hall sensors for the assigment of this week.

First, I've made the [hello.mag.45 board], downloaded from the fabAcademy's archive
Problem! Unfortunately I didn't realized that there weren't Attiny45 available in the lab. I decided then to make my first satshakit and use it to read the sensor.

Download my [magboard and Satshakit] here.

I soldered on board hello.mag.45 only the sensor and the 3 pin headers to connect the sensor to Satshakit.

The programming of satshakit was mostly up easy, thanks to the excellent documentation made by its creator Daniel Ingrassia on [GitHub].
For the burn bootloader on ATMEGA328P-AU I used my [FabISP]

I used the Arduino IDE to write code to read the sensor value and print it in the serial monitor.

Download the [code] here

At the end I developed a mini board for the hall sensor, in order to read it easly with the Satshakit. This will be very useful for my final project.