WEEK 17 - Applications and implications


1) Propose a final project that integrates the range of units covered, answering:

  • what will it do?
  • who's done what beforehand?
  • what materials and components will be required?
  • where will they come from?
  • how much will it cost?
  • what parts and systems will be made?
  • what processes will be used?
  • what tasks need to be completed?
  • what questions need to be answered?
  • what is the schedule?
  • how will it be evaluated?

2) Projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery of the skills covered.

3) Where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project.

What will it do?

Architecture has a long tradition of struggling with defining the concept of form verses function. In the recent decade or so, we have seen the up-rise of sustainable buildings focusing on maximizing efficiency of buildings through green technology such as green walls or roof etc. but yet retaining either the traditional architectural forms or the design development processes. Today, we are experiencing different sustainable approaches ranging from responsive parametric architecture to Building Information Modelling (BIM) softwares focusing on building productivity and performance. Currently, much emphasis had been placed on creating adaptive skin over the envelope of buildings that would react to climatic changes via sensors. These approaches disrupt the traditional way of designing as it takes into account of manoeuvrable parts and highly complex organic forms that were once considered near impossible in construction.

The final project focuses on studying the various adaptive surface/ facades and prototype one that preferably suits an organic form.


The development of the final project, based on adaptive surface/ facade, wrapped around the idea of maneuvering modular components through the use of sensors. The direct application for such system can be implemented on building facades where it shades or opens up like an umbrella, enhancing the overall climatic efficiency according to the surrounding environment. Below are links to references of influential projects and images of study facade models.

Who's done what beforehand?

Shape Shifting Architecture
Flexible modular components
Thermal Metal Surfaces
Responsive bi-metal application
Electro-active polymer, bio-plastics &
solar cells
Al Bahar Towers
Responsive modular facade


Based on several techniques learned during the past few months, below is a series of diagramatic illustration of various design strategies to be implemented.

The kinetic facade prototype
The final project will emcompass a layer of skin over modular skeletal frame. It will be produced as a small scale prototype, more like an installation, with suggestive materials. The skin, which is essentially a sheet of acetate (transparency) film, will fold or unfold depending on the amount of light received by the phototransistor. In the context of an actual building project, the acetate film acts like a canopy or foldable mechanism. The modules can be stacked up to form a wall or potentially a design proposal for an architectural facade.

Here's a table of details covering the following aspects:
    1) What materials and components will be required (Materials/ Components)?
    2) Where will they come from (Supplier)?
    3) How much will it cost (Cost)?
    4) What parts and systems will be made (Made/ Purchase)?
    5) what processes will be used (Processes)?

  Unit Materials/ Components Supplier Cost (SGD) Made/ Purchase Processes
  2 Servos Digi-Key 20 Salvaged Output, Networking, Interface
  1 USB to FDTI board Digi-Key 18 Salvaged Input, Output, Networking, Interface
  1 MDF board (300x450mm) San Ho Timber Pte Ltd 1.5/pc Salvaged Computer controlled machining
  2 Acetate film Art Friend 3 Purchased -
  4 Steel wires Art Friend 4 Purchased -
  - Microcontroller Board: - - Made Input, Output, Networking, Interface
  1      2x3 pin header for programming Element 14 0.20 Purchased -
  1      ATtiny44 Element 14 1.20 Purchased -
  1      FTDI Header Element 14 0.20 Purchased -
  1      2x3 pin header for servos Element 14 0.20 Purchased -
  1      2x2 pin header for LDR Element 14 0.20 Purchased -
  1      FTDI Header Element 14 0.20 Purchased -
  3      Resistor (10k) Element 14 0.60 Purchased -
  1      Capacitor (1uf) Element 14 0.20 Purchased -
  2      LDR Photoresistors Element 14 0.40 Purchased -
  2      PCB Copper Board FabLab Inventory 0.36 Purchased -
Total 50.26
Total Spending 10.76

Schedule of Completion

The table below covers the following items:
  • What tasks need to be completed?
  • What questions need to be answered
  • What is the schedule?

Weeks/ Checkpoints Questions Tasks Remarks
  • Is the design appropriate?
  • Are the components available?
  • Is the schematic design workable?
  • Confirm Design
  • Gather components
  • Start electronics design
  • Mill & Assemble microcontroller board
  • Program and test board
  • Program and test interface
Starting from 1st June 2016
Model Assemblage
  • Any further refinments before proceeding?
  • Need a paper/ cardboard prototype?
  • Need mill tests on critical connectors?
  • Refine design if neccessary
  • Create prototype
  • Test mill parts
  • Complete assemblage
Tasks interchangable with Week 01
Final Touchups/ Improvements
  • Anything else to improve on?
  • Documentation complete?
  • Suggestions for future developments?
  • Review final product
  • Review Documentation
  • Review future developments. Suggest possiblities.
Presenting on 22nd June 2016

How will it be evaluated?

  • Triggering of servos via phototransistors
  • Reading of signal from phototransistors via Python GUI (tkinter) /other platforms
  • Maneuvering of component/ parts without maulfuntion

Preparations for the final project can be quite a nerve-racking experience as it forces us to project possibilities and at the same time to manage expectations. Overall, it has been a good week as we source for opportunities and work out a feasible plan to execute the project. Few more weeks and we are all done!