Edward Octavio Muñoz Sandoval                                                                                                                   Contact: edw_ard0@hotmail.com

Week 18 Assignment: Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income


                1.- Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project


At the Creative Commons web page found some information about sharing and property of intellectual work.

There are some types of licenses depending on different factors as if you allow commercial uses of the idea, or if somebody can do adaptations of the work to be shared.

In my case I wanted the Fab loom 2.0 be open to everyone and allow adaptations as long as they contribute and share in the same way their work.

In the page is an user guide to help anyone to get the right license. it is needed to fill the textbox and choose some options as shown in the image below.

The page gave me an HTML object with my project license:


My final project is for the craftsman who want to accelerate the production but not the quality and don't loose the attractive of a handmade fabric.

Also the project is cheap (compared to the advantages) and thinked to be open source information.


Takind advantage of social networks It could be dissemitaed in some pages like in the facebook page Fab lab Puebla.

Considering this, my strategy is ask for help to the university department "Social economy" to communicate this product, this department is actually giving workshops to some people so they can give added value to their products, they teach to use the lassercut, router, 3D printer, etc. so would be easy to build my finnal project if they already know this tools.