Principles and Practice

The first assignment for this course is to build a personal HTML 5 website describing me and come up with a potential final project and do a git tutorial to learn how to push my files to the repository so that others can view the files and browse my website. It has been a long time since I played with HTML code. I have a subscription to Adobe Createive Cloud, so I decided to use Adobe Dreamweaver as my HTML editor. Since Matt Chalker is my mentor at Bakersfield, California, I looked at his website, and he pulled a free template off the web. I decided to use the same template as I thought it would be easy to get help since he was doing the same template. The template is "Prologue by HTML5 UP | @n33co Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (" I am proposing to make a robot/machine that could potentially break the Guinness world record of spinning the most dreidels concurrently. (currently about 1000) They must all spin for a minimum of 10 seconds.

Sketch of small scale first prototype

Two parallel plastic strips will grip the dreidels One (or both) of the parallel strips will move in opposite directions and then separate to allow the dreidels to drop on a flat surface...Hopefully they will will spin and not bounce off of each other if properly spaced.

1) Depending on spacing, I think I will try to do a 10x10 grid of 100 dreidels. If successful, I will my ten or more replicas and somehow sync them together. In order to get multiple modules to all activate simultaneously, I hope to learn enough electronics to make an actuator that will be triggered electronically so that all 10 plus actuators trigger at the same time.

2) Although my project is rather silly, I hope it will inspire my students to challenge themselves to be able to make "anything they want". Even though the world might not need an electronic dreidel machine, the world does need more creative thinkers. To build this, I will need to be able to do 2D electronic sketches. I will need to be able to CAD the parts to be machined and learn the machining tools necessary. I will need to be able to design controlling circuits and make ciruit boards and potentially make circuits by printing conductive material on vinyl.

I also would like to add accent/highlight LED lighting to clear or translucent polycarbonate I might also attempt to mould some dreidels or somehow include a mould in the project. I have never done any kind of moulding work.

I think I could utilize an Arduino processor to trigger the actuators and adjust timeing.

Finally, I would like to incorporate various sensors and microcontrollers into the project and use a GoPro camera or something similar to document the number of dreidels spinning and document the 10 second time frame.

My favorite text editor when I'm on a Mac (as I am now) is Dreamweaver.

I've been keeping all my files locally and when I want to preview the site, I just open the index.html file in my browser.

I am learning git and plan on continuing to use it throughout Fab Academy. First Command… git pull Then git add * Git commit –m ‘week 1 update’ Git push origin master