Design Files

testPrintAssem_TestPart.STL for Week Five /

Dreidel holder short 2 DXF file

Dreidel holder short DXF file

SolidWorks Dreidel Field MCX-7 file

rogervcg head.stl Week 5 scanned head file

SolidWorks Dreidel Nest MCX-7 file

hello.ftdi.16E5.blink.c Week 6 file

hello.ftdi.16E5.blink.make.txt Week 6 file

hello.ftdi.16E5.components.jpg Week 6 file

hello.ftdi.16E5.echo.c Week 6 file

hello.ftdi.16E5.echo.make.txt Week 6 file

hello.ftdi.16E5.interior.png Week 6 file

hello.ftdi.16E5.png Week 6 file

hello.ftdi.16E5.ring.c Week 6 file

hello.ftdi.16E5.ring.make.txt Week 6 file

Week6 Eagle boardbuild.sch file

Week6boardbuild.brd file

hello.ftdi.16E5.traces.png Week 6 file

Week 8 Embedded Programming hello.ftdi.44.cad file

Week 8 Embedded Programming hello.ftdi.44.board file

Week 8 Embedded Programming hello.ftdi.44.traces file

Week 8 Embedded Programming hello.ftdi.44.interior png file

Week 8 Embedded Programming hello.ftdi.44.programing file

Week 8 Embedded Programming hello.ftdi.44.echo.c file

Week 8 Embedded Programming hello.ftdi.44.echo.c.make file

Week 8 Embedded Programming hello.ftdi.44.echo.interrupt.c file

Week 8 Embedded Programming hello.ftdi.44.echo.interrupt.c.makefile

Week 8 Embedded Programming hello.ftdi.44.echo.asm. make file

Week 8 Slow Blink.MOV

Week 8 slowblink2.m4v

Week 12 huskers.png for moulding and casting

Dreidel Holder Short DXF fILE

Dreidel Holder Short Solidworks part file

Solidworks Dreidel Assembly

Solidworks Dreidel part file

Solidworks part file for machine base

Second Solidworks part file for machine base

PDF part file for machine base

Second PDF part file for machine base

IGS part file for machine base

Second IGS part file for machine base

Solidworks assembly file for machine base

Solidworks stage 1 stand part file for machine base

Machine Base.svg file format for Week 9

RandomNumbers generator for machine Week 10

furballoccupier python code for machine Week 10

ulinecardboard1.svg for machine Week 10

ulinecardboard2carriageedit.svg for machine Week 10

ulinecardboard3.svg for machine Week 10

ulinecardboard4.svg for machine Week 10

ulinecardboard5.svg for machine Week 10

ulinecardboard6.svg for machine Week 10

hello.mic.45.c code for Week 11 Input Devices

hello.mic.45.cad file for Week 11 Input Devices

hello.mic.45.interior.png cut file for Week 11 Input Devices

hello.mic.45 board file for Week 11 Input Devices

hello.mic.45.make file for Week 11 Input Devices

hello.mic.45 python coding for Week 11 Input Devices

hello.mic.45 mill traces.png for Week 11 Input Devices

hello.speaker.45.cad.txt for Week 13 Output Devices

hello.speaker.45.c.hex for Week 13 Output Devices

hello.speaker.45.c for Week 13 Output Devices

hello.RGB.45.make for Week 13 Output Devices

hello.speaker.45.interior.png for Week 13 Output Devices

hello.speaker.45.png for Week 13 Output Devices

hello.speaker.45.wave.asm.txt for Week 13 Output Devices

hello.speaker.45.traces.png for Week 13 Output Devices

hello.bus.45.bridge cad file for Week 15 RS-232 Serial Bus Bridge

hello.bus.45.bridge.png file for Week 15 RS-232 Serial Bus Bridge

hello.bus.45.node.cad file for Week 15 RS-232 Serial Bus Node

hello.bus.45.node.png file for Week 15 RS-232 Serial Bus Node

hello.bus.45.bridge.traces.png files for Week 15 RS-232 Serial Bus Bridge

hello.bus.45.bridge.interior.png files for Week 15 RS-232 Serial Bus Bridge

hello.bus.45.node.traces.png file for Week 15 RS-232 Serial node

hello.bus.45.node.png file for Week 15 RS-232 Serial node

hello.bus.45.c programing file for Week 15 RS-232 Serial node/Bridge

hello.bus.45.make programing file for Week 15 RS-232 Serial node/Bridge

Book End Holder for Final Project

Shop Bot Board crv file for Final Project

Shop Bot profile 1 for Final Project

Shop Bot Driedel board file for Final Project

Shop Bot Profiles for Final Project

Shop Bot DreidelProfile for Final Project

Dreidel Actuator Hole for Final Project

Dreidel2 Profile for Final Project

Eighth inch drill path for Final Project

3-D printed actuator support STL file for Final Project

Eighth inch hold down drill holes for Final Project

Actuator STL holder file for Final Project

Actuator holder PDF file for Final Project

Shop Bot Dreidel Board file for Final Project

Shop Bot Outside Cuts for Final Project

Shop Bot inside cuts for Final Project

Eighth inch drill holes for Final Project

Eighth inch hold down holes for Final Project

Make File for network bus board for Final Project

Programing file for network bus board for Final Project

Actuator make code for Final Project

Actuator code for Final Project

Eagle Schematic for network node for Final Project

Eagle Board file for network node for Final Project

Mill file for Roland mill for node board of Final Project

Eagle board 4s node file for Final Project

Eagle schematic 4s node file for Final Project

Eagle board for week 6 Electronics Design

Eagle schematic for week 6 Electronics Design

Hex code for actuator trigger for node board of Final Project

Output code for actuator trigger for node board of Final Project

C trigger code for actuator of node board of Final Project

Make file for trigger for node board of Final Project

C code for speaker output for Output assignment

Hex code for speaker output for Output assignment

Code for speaker output for Output assignment

Make code for speaker output for Output assignment

Make file for RGB.45

C code RGB.45

hello.motor.45 C Code for dreidel node for final project and Week 16

driedel.drop.make file for dreidel node for final project and Week 16

dreidel.drop.c programing file for dreidel node for final project and Week 16

dreideldrop.pde file for dreidel node for final project and Week 16