Hi everyone!

My name is Silvia Palazzi and that's my Fab-webpage :)

Below, I show you my final project: "NoICE"

Its birth comes from a collaboration I had with an association with deaf women and from hearing problems of a dear new friend of mine.

Talking about their needs, it came out that despite feeling vibrations of sorrounding world far better than hearing people can, they can't perceive the direction of the vibration source.
This could be very riskful, specially if you're walking along the street or in any place in which you have to be aware of what is happening around you.

For this reason, I thought to develop this device: the main components are an hair pin ad a bracelet which can communicate via Bluetooth. The hair pin contains a sound sensor that detects sounds in a high-volume range, this activates the bluetooth, which sends a signal to the bracelet, that itself activates the vibration motor.

Future Improvements:
- change bracelet design so as to be worn in different ways
- add two more motors to the bracelet
- include an interface for the bracelet to set in which way is worn and accord vibrating pattern to that
- refine hair pin design
- fix microphone noisy acquisition
- sew components onto the bracelet with conductive wire