[WEEK 01] Principles and Practices, Project Management

1.Build a peesonal site

1.1 Create my user account on FabLab.io.

1.2 Set up of SSH key
I installed Git for windows and created SSH key usingGitBash.
・Serching an existing ley
ls ~/.ssh
・Displaying a public ley
cat < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
・Pasting a public key on clip board
clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

I set up SSH key to GitLab.

1.3 Create a local repository
I cloned a directory of my lab on GitLab(FabLab.io) using GItBash.
I tried to upload a test file,and it was succeeded.
・Add file
git add filename
git commit -m 'text'
git push

2.Build a personal site

2.1 I built a framework of my site using a template for Fab Academy websites.

2.2 I described me,my lab, and pilot plan of my fimal project. About Me
My Lab
Final Project