week 1

Principles & Practices : Project Management


  • Build a personal site describing myself & final project.
  • Sketch a final project proposal.
  • Connect to class archive & a Git tutorial.


personal website

weekly work

final project

In the first lecture several website designing tool was suggested viz. Brackets, Atom, Bootstrap,HTML, HTML5, Dreaweaver etc. I had no prior knowledge of text-based website design but I am familiar and efficient in Adobe Creative Suite applications like : Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects. For personal choice, I chose Adobe Muse CC to develop my personal website for Fab Academy 2017. It is developed by the same developers of InDesign & Illustrator, which gave me creative freedom to work with my website with much ease.



adobe muse cc 2015.1

Adobe Muse interface and terminologies are similar to other Adobe design software. So it is very easy to compose a webpage if previous knowledge of the adobe software helps.


A very good set up tutorial is available at Adobe help site. It can be watched here.

A YouTube channel of Dani Beaumont gives very useful tips and tricks in small length videos to learn in a faster pace.

At the welcome screen I started my own site from | File >> New Site ( Ctrl + N )

As  per my sketch I set up my site using the following parameters :

  • Fixed Width : 1160 px
  • Min Height : 500 px
  • Margin : 20 px all around
  • Padding : 36 px at Top & Bottom

Master page items

The website needs a uniform menu from which the main section of the menu can be accessed very easily and that has to be formatted on each page. This is called a master page. So far the Items are: Home, About me, Weekly Work, Final Project, Contact.

Update: I have presently added another tab called Blog, where I am writing my experiences and some thought since March 30.

Website structure

Next step is to finish the website & connect it through Git to the class archive.

While the website is developed we need to export the website as HTML.

Inside the cloned Git repository of fablabcept we got our individual folders marked with our student code. In this case its 184 for me. I exported the HTML version of the website into that particular folder. This folder is required to be pushed through Git in order to connect to class archive.


setup & tutorial

Before this assignment I was unaware of Version Control System & Git. Though I had downloaded a few objects from GitHub, I did not know its function. I downloaded Git from this link. There is GUI Git is also available but I preferred to stay with Git Bash to understand functionality of Git properly.

Git set-up

First task to profile the Git to my user name and email using the following commands.

  git config -- global user.name "USERNAME"

  git config -- global user.email "EMAIL ID"

Next step was to generate my SSH key to username and link that too GitLab profile.

  ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "email registested in git.fabacademy.org"

Copy to clipboard | Update in GitLab

  cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | clip

Now I needed to get the Git Repository link from the profile and clone it locally.

  git clone git@git.fabacademy.org:fabacademy2017/fablabcept.git

It is necessary to do a git pull inside the students directory to keep updated with the repository.

  git pull       >> Updates the Git repository.

After the previous step, following commands will push the test site I made to the class archive.

  git add -A        >> Adds the changed file in the local repository.

  git commit -m "message" >> Mention the change with a comment.

  git push          >> Publish to remote repository.

All the commits in the main repository can be tracked from the GitLab profile. In the GitLab profile activity all the commits are listed like the image below:

final project idea

Based on my previous experience and interest I chose my final project to design a Collaborative 6- Axis Robotic arm or a CoBot . As an extensive user of Rhino - Grasshopper platform, my proposal is to control the CoBot from Rhino Grasshopper itself using a Inverse Kinematics solver based on the source plane and user defined target plane.


working principle

The joint configuration of the robotic arm will follow the standard 6-Axis configuration available in the market :



 go to WEEK 2 >>

Avishek Das   |   2017   |   FabLab CEPT