Electronics Production

LPKF ProtoMat S62 PCB Mill

Boardmaster - Driver Software for PCB Mill.

Computer-Controlled Cutting

Step 1 : Milling

We used Eagle (Homepage) to adapt the board that it fits a Sparkfun USB PCB plug. Reasons for this are that you don't need an USB cable to plug the board into an USB port, it is cheaper, and you need one component less.

Step 2 : Soldering

In this step I simply took the finished board and smoothed out the edges.

Step 3 :

Next step was the soldering itself.

Machine used:

  • AOYUE Int968 A+

  • Microcontroller Attiny 44 SOIC14
  • Resonator 12 MHz CSTCE12M0G55Z-R0
  • 2x3 Pinheader 2,54mm
  • 2 x Diode 3,3V SOD-123
  • 2 x 47 Ω Resistor
  • 2 x 0 Ω Resistor to replace jumper for programming reset
  • 1 x 10 kΩ Resistor
  • 1 x 680 Ω Resistor
  • 1 x 720 Ω Resistor
  • 1 x 100 nF capacitor 1206
  • 1 x 100 μF capacitor 1206

Step 4 : Gold coating

In the end I gold coated the USB pins to prevent them from oxidation. For this I used a galvanization kit with a gold electrolyte. I short-circuited the USB pins and soaked a sponge, which was attached to a metal rod, with the electrolyte. I than connected both the metal rod and the USB ports to ground and 3V. The gold covered the USB already after some applications

Step 5 : Finished

Programming the FabISP

To program the the FabISP I used an Arduino UNO following this Tutorial Steps in Summary
  • Uploading the ArduinoISP program to the Arduino using the Arduino IDE
  • Wiring the FabISP to the Arduino Uno
  • Using AVRDUDE to upload the FabISP Firmare using the Arduino Bootloader