Feb 24, 2016

This week we learned about "Additive versus subtractive processes" and "How to do 3D scanning and printing".
The assignment for this week is in two parts. One is designing and 3D printing a small object that could be not made subtractively. And the other is 3D scanning an object and optionally print it.

05-1.Test the design rules for my printer

PLA filament (Φ1.75mm)
Software : Rhinoceros (MacOSX)
3D printing machine : Makerbot Replicator2
First, I made the design rules to understand the performance of Replicator2.
I made this data, because I wanted to compare actual dimensions with the dimensions of 3D data.
Rhinoceros data > benchmark_01_160225.3dm

- Resolution: 0.3mm
- Infill: 5%
- Number of Shells: 2
- Support & Raft: off

This is the completed product.
I measured the point of "10.0mm".
[Convex portion]
On 3D data: Φ10.0mm / H:10.0mm
On the actual object: Φ9.80mm / H:9.90mm
[Concave portion]
On 3D data: Φ10.0mm / H:10.0mm
On the actual object: Φ9.65mm / H:10.0mm

The actual object shrink by heat. So, It seems to become smaller than 3D data.
When you make a hole in an object, please be careful of this point.

And, this gage was very useful when I had to make pipe stands at another project.
I used pipes with a diameter of 27.5mm. I designed a joint that inner diameter is 28.0mm because an object which is printed by 3Dprinting machine gets smaller than 3D data. (Around 0.2~0.5mm) Then, I was able to connect it to pipes without glue.
Data > pipe_stand.stl

05-2. Making data and printing it.

I made bowl-shaped object such as nest of boxes.

(1)Data making
1.Command:Arc - Draw an arc / 2.Command:Rotate - Turn an arc(copy)

3.Command: Rotate - Turn two lines / 4.Command:Arc - Draw an arc

5.(Perspective view) / 6.Command:Polyline - Draw lines

7.Command:Mirror - Reverse lines(copy) / 8.Command:Arc - Draw an arc

9.Command: Sweep2 - Sweep a line along two rails. / 10.(Perspective view)

11.Command:Mirror - Reverse an object(copy)/ 12.Command:Curve - Draw curve

13.Command:Trim - Trim an object by an line ./ 14.(Perspective view)

15.Command:Patch - Fill a hole / 16.Command:Rotate - Turn an object(copy)

17.(Perspective view) / 18.Command:Scale1D - Change the size of the Y-axis direction

19.(Perspective view) / 20.Command:Scale2D - Change the size of the XZ-axis direction(copy)

21.(Perspective view) / 22. Export as .stl data.

Rhinoceros data > test.3dm

- Resolution: 0.3mm
- Infill: 10%
- Number of Shells: 2
- Support & Raft: on
- Build time: 1h15min

Finished! But support materials have been left inside...;(
size > W:45.3mm / H:45.3mm / D:22.95mm
By the way, the section is such a structure.
There is not the gap that a drill goes along inside of the object.


Additionally, I tried making rings and windmills. The records are as follows.
- [FabAcademy2016] Week05 Windmill00
- [FabAcademy2016] Week05 Windmill01 (Data > windmill_1.stl , windmill_1.3dm)
- [FabAcademy2016] Week05 Windmill02 (Data > windmill_2.stl , windmill_2.3dm)
- [FabAcademy2016] Week05 Windmill03 (Data > windmill_3.stl , windmill_3.3dm)
- [FabAcademy2016] Week05 Ring (Data > ring.stl , ring.3dm)
- [FabAcademy2016] Week05 Assemble Windmill & Ring

05-3. 3D scanning

I tried 3D scanning this puppet with "123D Catch(Autodesk)".

I used the top board of Wheel stool !!! ver.02 as the scanning table.
I took about 20 pictures from different anlgles.
But it was not completed...; (

Maybe I should turn the carema rather than scanning table.