Machine design

During this week assignment we should make a machine as a group assignment.
In our group assignment we try to make "food in layers " Machine which we can use it to print nutella over the food.

My task in the group assignment is related to the extruder where I should bay the syringe and assemble an extruder for it so we can use it in extruding nutella.
For making extruder I use Fusion_360 program for making the designs of the extruder. Extruder is consist of three parts:
First part is the upper part which I made it for holding the motor of the extruder

The second part is the middle part that consist of two part two catch the syringe on it.
Second part is consist of two parts one done by the 2D design and cutted by the laser cutting machine, snother part at first I try to cut it by the laser cutter by it dose not work well so I decide to make it with 3D printer

Third part is lower part and it designed to hold the metal rod.

My tasks in the machine assignment

My task is to make and document the extruder and the code you are asking about is here and I speak to my Hashim who is responsible for making the documentation of the machine page and he put link for the extruder design files in the machine page.

Problems I have faced during assembling the extruder:

First problem is that the extruder is very heavy and I can not connect it to the Z-axis so I try to decrease the length of the rod to half and extruder become suitable to be connected to Z-axis.

Second problem I have faced during assembling is that the middle part is not suitable for holding the syringe as i made it from acrylic so I decide to 3D print it and it become suitable for holding the syringe.

<a href="" target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Midllepart 1</a>
by <a href="" target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">ahmedhadhoud</a>
on <a href="" target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Sketchfab</a>

Future improvements on the extruder:

I have some improvements I want to make on the extruder.

first thing I want to make is to make the extruder design parametric so i can use any syringe with it.

Second thing is that I want to make to make syringe using 3D printer that I can control the nozzle of it so we can use different. material.

This is the image of the extruder

Final thing I want to make is to make the weight of the extruder very light so i decide to 3D print the rod instead of using metal rod.

The Designs files

Design files in f3d:
Upper part
Middle part
lower part