Week10: Output Devices


Output Device

I made my_led board with full color LED "WS2812B".

R1: Resistance 10k [ohm](1002) x 1
C1: Capacitor 1u [F] x 1
IC1: Attiny 44 x 1
JP1 ISP: Pin header 2x3 x 1
JP2 power: Pin header 2X2 x 1
LED: WS2812B x 3
R2,R3,R4: Resistance 100 [ohm](101) x 3
C2,C3,C4: Capacitor 0.1u [F] x 3

WS2812B data sheet

Module is also provided. To use WS2812B chip on my board, I saw module's circuit diagram.

Circuit Diagram


download .sch

download .brd

download .png
download .rml

Arduino Compatible

To change "my_led board" to Arduino compatible, I followed my week 08 assignment page.

This board use internal 8MHz.

No USB serial port to connect

Programmer is AVRISP mkII.

Burn Bootloader

Connect my_led board to DC adapter(5V) and AVRISP.

Download Adafruit_NeoPixel library from github. https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_NeoPixel

Copy (or move) "Adafruit_NeoPixel.cpp" and "Adafruit_NeoPixel.h" to "simple" folder, which is same as "simple.ino" placed.

Open "simple.ino" and change line 4,11,14,19,25-27. Line 19 is not clearly written, but it is necessary to change "NEO_KHZ800" to "NEO_KHZ400".
download .ino

FabISP is also be able to use as ISP.

My programming

My program is to change LED color like rainbow.

download .ino