Feb 17, 2016

This week we learned about "Electronics Production" -PBC fabrication, PBC materials, board houses, components and breadboards and the assembling of those.
And the assignment of this week is to make "FabISP(a fab-able in-system programmer)". It is necessary to use the CNC milling machine for making "FabISP". So, At first, I learned how to use this machine and made a trial product.

04-1. Training to use Fabmodule and the CNC Milling Machine

Phenolic paper
Software : Adobe Illustrator CS5 (MacOSX) > Fabmodule (ubuntu)
CNC Milling machine : Roland MODELA MDX-20
1.Designing test data (Adobe Illustrator CS5)
I drew an image to use for tracing and cutting. Settings of their color are "R:0, G:0, B:0".
This time, I use 1/64(0.4mm) end mills to trace and 1/32(0.8mm) to cut.
So width of lines for tracing are 0.42mm at the minimum and for cutting are about 1.0mm.
Data > beer.ai

Left: Trace / Right: Cut out
- Saving format:.png
- Resolution:1000ppi
- Background color: Trace: White / Cut out: Black
- Anti-aliasing: none
- interlace: none

Left: Trace / Right: Cut out
- Are two images the same size?
- Is the background color of cutting data black?
Data > beer_trace_160220.png / beer_cut_160220.png

2.Set up
(1)Setting of Fabmodule / Trace
Start "terminal" in "ubuntu" and input a command "fab". Then "Fabmodule" starts.

"to output process" > "Roland MDX-20 mill(.rml)"

An operation screen is displayed.

Click "load.png" and open an image of tracing.

Confirm the size of an image.

Set the mode for "mill traces (1/64)".

Passes are displayed when you set "offsets" for "-1" and click "make .path".
(※"Offsets" is set-point of the line which the end mill passes on. It is usually "-1".)

(2)Setting of MODELA MDX-20
Use this machine!

First, take off screws and take out a table.

If a table is dirty like this, a board may be warped.

So, wipe a table with cleaning liquid.

[Things to prepare]
- Phenolic paper
- Waste board
- Double-sided tape

Put double-sided tape and glue them.

Then set to the CNC milling machine!

Turn on power and push the button of "VIEW".
(※If a light of "VIEW" is turned on, the order from a PC is invalid.)

Input the number of the starting point to "xmin(mm)" and "ymin(mm)".
Then click "move to xmin,ymin"!
(※A position of the starting point is the lower left.)

This time, I use end 1/64(0.4mm) mill to trace and 1/32(0.8mm) mill to cut.

Attach an end mill and tighten a screw.

Put an end mill in as much as possible.

Push the button of "DOWN" and lower the position of an end mill. Please refer to a right image.

Lower an end mill to the bottom, while attaching a finger.

Click "make.rml".

Also click "Send it!" and "Begin Milling" ...Processing starts!

After processing completes, click "Exit".

I failed...;( (※A board seemed to be warped...)

Then I tried processing with an 1/32 end mill again, so I succeeded!
(※Don't forget to change the number of "diameter(mm)" to 0.8.)
(3)Setting of Fabmodule / Cut out
Open an image of cuttig and confirm the size of an image.

Set the mode for "cut out board(1/32)".

Set "bot z(mm)" for a thickness of the paper phenol board +1mm or more.
(※In Japan, a thickness of the paper phenol board is about 1.8mm.)
If setup is completed, click "make.path".

Click "make .rml", "send it!" and "Begin Milling"..Processing starts!

Because an end mill may be broken, please pay attention.

After processing, remove a board from a table. Finished!
Next, I try making "FabISP"!

04-2. Milling "FabISP"

I used following data for making "FabISP".
Data > hello.ISP.44.traces.png / hello.ISP.44.interior.png

At first, open an image of tracing.


Next, load an image of cutting. Pay attention to "bot z(mm)".

Cut out!

But, I sanded a board because the surface was rough.

I used sand paper of a roughness of #400.

Did it!

1.FabISP: Electronics Production
2.FabISP: Programming
3.FabLab Using the modela to Mill PCBs - YouTube

04-3. Assembling

(1)Preparing components
The image of a board I made is this, but I didn't know what these components mean.
Then I made a check on the name and the function of each components.

Print out the image of a board and put a tray on it.
A double-sided tape is stuck to a tray on each position of components.

Put components there.

I used those tools, and soldered it from the inside in a turn.

Did it!

(3)Programming checking
Download "CrossPacK (CrossPack-AVR-20131216.dmg)" and install it.

Download "firmware.zip". http://academy.cba.mit.edu/classes/electronics_production/index.html

Connect a board with AVR!

The machine which my instructor Takuma prepared is this.

AVR turned on when I connected it to PC by USB.

Put "fabISP_mac.0.8.2_firmware" in "work04"(Folder: FabAcademy > make data > work04), and open "Makefile".
(※If use "FabISP", I must enter this text.)
AVRDUDE = avrdude -c usbtiny -p $(DEVICE) # edit this line for your programmer
#AVRDUDE = avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p $(DEVICE) # edit this line for your programmer

Input the following commands!
$ make clean
$ make hex
$ sudo make fuse
$ sudo make program

Remove the wire from a board.

Connect it to PC!

Open terminal and type "system_profiler SPUSBDataType".

If programing succeed, "FabISP" is displayed as USB.

About This Mac > System Report > Hardware > USB ... "FabISP" is displayed!

1.FabAcademy 2014 - Takuma Oami