13. Output Devices

Making Data

I tried to make board to running servo motors. So I downloaded sample files Neil made.

I milled a sample board and solidering that. Then, its regulator was very hot when I connected it with 9v power. So, I confirmed the datasheet of the regulator and I understood the pin assingments of the sample regulator was different from Our FabLab's regulator. So I modified the circuits with eagle.
top:schematic image  bottom:board image


Milling & Soldering

I used SRM-20 to milling a board.

0.4mm endmill
0.8mm endmill
After solidering, I adhered the legs of IC and pin header with glue gun because I open broke board when take off the connecter from pin header.



I used FabISP to write program.
  1. open "iTerm" that is like a terminal.
  2. cd ~/Desktop/servo/(I saved .c file and .make file in this folder)
  3. command "make -f hello.servo.44.make"
  4. command "sudo make -f hello.servo.44.make program-usbtiny-fuses"
  5. command "sudo make -f hello.servo.44.make program-usbtiny"
