Fab Academy 2016 Week13

Week13: output devices (Apr 27)


add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed and program it to do something

My work

Brush DC motor

Since the motor driver that is used in the circuit (A4953) can not be procured in Japan, use the NJM2670.
See below DATA sheet for more information.

Additional configuration

  • The motor mount two.
  • The switch two provided to control the motor in the ON / OFF state of each of the buttons.

    The motor driver (NJM2670) is more complex than the structure is A4953, it took time to understand the end of the cable.
    See below picture
    To add a Motor x2 and switch x2
    Wiring has many struggling to routing of the cable.
    These wiring could not be wire on one side.
    It was also to be the wiring on the back.
    Board design see below.

    This was cut out in the milling machine, but I have noticed a big mistake.
    It was different the size of the ATTINY44 and NJM2670.
    So ATTINY44 could be changed to small size from the library.
    But, NJM2670 was newly created for this circuit.
    Modified circuit is very small.
    It can not be wiring between the for ATTINY of foot
    Routing of the wiring was difficult.

    I updated the design of board.
    This board is need 8 wiring on back board.
    RML data:rml_data
    Currently still during fabrication.
    I use blashless motor unit at final project.
    Please see final project page.

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