Hello World, I'm Pablo Colturi

Welcome to my personal documentation of the course I take in Digital Fabrication: FAB ACADEMY 2017

Assigments: 1. digital fabrication principles and practices - 2. computer-aided design, manufacturing, and 3D modeling - 3. computer-controlled cutting - 4. electronics production - 5. 3D scanning and printing 6. electronics design - 7. computer controlled machining - 8. embedded programming - 9. mechanical design - 10. output devices - 11. machine design - 12. embedded networking and communications - 13. input devices - 14. composites - 15. networking and comunications - 16. interface and application programming

Final Project: Introduction - Mechanics - Electronics - Final Result

Fab Academy instruction is based on MIT’s popular rapid-prototyping course How To Make (almost) Anything, both taught by Prof. Neil Gershenfeld