
Hi, I am Rahul

Welcome to my Fab Journey.


Week 1: Principles and practices, Project management.


Week 2: Computer Aided Design

Laser cutting

Week 3: Computer Controlled Cutting

Electronics Production

Week 4: Electronics Production

3D printing Rahul

Week 5: 3D scanning and Printing

Hello world

Week 6: Electronics Design

height Adjustable standing table

Week 7: Computer Controlled Cutting.

Programming Hello World

Week 8: Embedded Programming

Making fab version of Uarm

Week 9 & 11: Mechanical Design & Machine Building

Rahul Stepper driver Fab13

Week 10:Output devices.

Week 12: Molding and Casting

Week 13: Input Devices

Rahul composites

Week 14: Composites.

Week 15: Networking

Week 16: Interface and Application

Week 17: Applications and Implications.

Week 18: Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

Week 19: Project Development
