Week 1 — Principles and Project Management


For the first week assignment I built the simple website where you are now. It’s just the minimal skeleton of what i want to achieve, i will work on it cause i want to improve my coding skills. It has been made - almost - from scratch using html, css and bootstrap. Cause i had some previous knowledge of this languages i made a simple commented template (still working on it) for the guys here in the fablab and soon for the world.
Update: I've created an other website using sass and pug (aka jade) and compiling the files with Gulp. I find it a very interesting approach for a webdesigner.
This is the website: volt23.github.io
And here the code: Github


During this week I discovered the wonderful world of versioning softwares (in particular of GIT).
We learned how to set everything and the basic terminal commands:

cd …—> to access the local folder
git pull—> to get up to date the content in your local folder with the remote one
git add .—> to prepare the commit
git commit -m “…”—> to commit the changes and describing it
git push —> to upload the content from local to remote

Final Project

For my final project i've decided to produce an exposure unit for screen print applications, see more.

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