Applications and Implications

### What will it do?

SoundShape is a machine that generate sound based on a 3D shape. It put in relation a physical object with the sound generated through MIDI comunication. The user can play this “instrument” with a magnetic “plectrum” and thanks to that,it can modify a physical touchless surface. A mechanical movements to control several sound frequencies.

### Who's done what beforehand?

I found several projects where the sound is used to generate 3D shape but not the contrary.

- [Mother] by Inmi Lee and Kyle McDonald

- [Solid Vibrations] by Olivier van Herpt

A very similar project:


in this project the objects used aren’t interactive, the goal of my project is an interactive 3D shape that can be modify by the users.

### What materials and components will be required?

The project is divided in different parts:

- Structure
- Mechanical parts
- Electronics
- Software to control the movements and generate the frequencies
- Midi Communications

### Where will they come from? How much will it cost?

Download the [costs.ods] here

The two boards in my final project are basically two satshakit modified for my purpose.
In the first board i have added two shift registers to control the 7seg display, so i reported the shift registers in the table above. You can find the Satshakit [BOM] file here

### What parts and system will be made? What processes will be used?

### What tasks need to be completed?

Today i have to realise everything yet. I've made some test during the previous weeks assignments.

### What questions need to be answered?

Is the MIDI communication the right one?
Which software i will use to read the MIDI commands and play sound?
Is the machine user friendly? is it applicable in a live performance??

### What is the schedule?

2 Days - electronic design
2 Days - electronic production
1 Day - programming
2 Days - Structure and Mechanical parts design and production
2 Days - MIDI communication

### How will it be evaluated?

0 - no movements and no sound (basically just the structure)
1 - the surface barely respond to the hand proximity.
2 - the surface isn’t fully reactive - no sound generated
3 - great interactivity - no latency between the movements and the sound
4 - user friendly - not for a live performance
5 - great instrument for a live performance