Week 12

The work of this week I do is to make one part of the final project. In order to using a motor-driven slides, rotation of the motor needs to be conducted out, thus I designed two pulleys. This rotation of the motor pulley can be conductive to the screw, and the speed of motor can be decreased and enhanced the torque force. Because I need four pulleys, the task of the week is suitable for making copies of the same object.
本周的作業我所做的是final project中的其中一樣物件。因使用馬達驅動滑軌,需要將馬達的轉動傳導出來,因此設計了兩個滑輪。此滑輪組能夠將馬達的轉動傳導到螺桿上,同時能將馬達轉速降低及提升扭力。需要四組的滑輪,這周的任務正適合製作同一物件之複製品。

First, I used 123D Design to design the wheels. Then, I made a small wheels as the trial.
先以123D Design設計輪子,取小的輪子進行試做。

Designing the Mold:

Due to the fact that the object is not a big item, it can be made directly by SRM-20. I 123D Design was turned into mold model. Since the beginning of the design had to make into a master mold that will be turned, the wheels were cut in half. After that, I putted them on the platform of CNC. The master mold can be two corresponding to watering the products. However, this required a higher level CNC to address with the internal ramp with the fourth axis of machine.
設計模具:物件不大可以直接使用SRM-20製作。使用123D Design轉成模具型式,一開始所設計因為要翻轉製作成母模,所以將輪子對半切,然後放上平台,之後母模就可以兩片相對應,將物品澆灌製作出。但此形狀需要更高強的CNC進行製作,可能需要第四軸以上的加工機器才能處理內部斜面。

So I reversed the wheels as the next chart and created an anchor point.
(Later I found that this is a problem, the structure is completely the opposite can not be used, and can not make the structure of the center.)

The output of * .stl file was imported into MODELA Player 4, as it is produced by Roland CAM software. Be sure to select the correct engraving machine, in order to use the corresponding tools. At the same time for the selection of material to choose the right "Material".
將輸出的*.stl檔案匯入MODELA Player 4,此為Roland所出產的CAM軟體。務必選擇正確的雕刻機,才能使用對應的刀具。同時針對所挑選的材料選擇正確的"Material"。

  • Click on "New Process", select "Roughing".
    點選"New Prosess"後,選擇"Roughing"。

  • Select the tool to use.

  • Select the cutting range.

  • Select the cutting direction and the way I try to use the "Contour Line".
    選擇切割方向及方式,我嘗試使用"Contour Line"。

  • Upon completion of the calculation processing may be convex see the blue path.

  • Within the software can also simulate 3D process and the final product.

  • Click the "Cut" output code, and then open the file using Cpanel and start cutting. Before cutting the same origin and the first set of knives, I noticed I turn out to file the origin is located in the center of the workpiece.

  • First two about 17mm plywood adhesive thickness increases. And use double-sided adhesive fixed in the processing board. A Note on the surface of the center position and start cutting.

    Replace the blade with a smaller diameter of the roughing tool repeat the steps above and then finished, select "Finishing" process. I am using a 1mm flat blade (1mm Square), there was a little rough, like the surface, some of the ground using sandpaper call. Another mold as steps.
    粗加工完後再更換刀徑較小之刀具重複上述步驟,選擇"Finishing"加工。我使用的是1mm平刀(1mm Square),表面一樣會有些許粗糙,使用砂紙再打磨細一些。另一模具一樣步驟完成。

    Master model

    Side molding material is used for turning alginate (alginate gel), this is a material of seaweed extract. I have used in the dentist's office, doctor used to copy the shape of my teeth make dentures. This material hardens very fast, but the lack of strength, only a small amount of temporary use or production. Usually more robust then into the material. Water mixing ratio of 4: 5, depending on the water temperature is high to low curing time will be made about 1 to 5 minutes.
    這邊使用的翻模材料為海藻膠(alginate gel),此為海藻提煉的一種材料。我曾經於牙醫診所用過,醫生用來複製我的牙齒形狀後製作假牙。此材料硬化非常快速,但強度不足,只能臨時使用或少量製作。通常會再轉成較堅固之材料使用。與水混合比例為4:5,依水溫高至低固化時間會由1~5分鐘左右。

    Bring down only to find no release agent is coated so bad ˙ split mold. However, at this time found fallacy structure, so that the wheels will turn to come out of the middle high low on both sides, the belt can not be fixed connection and lose functionality.

    Round 2. Thinking for a while, structural problems can only be used to solve the separate production of wheels, left and right sides of the individual master mold, open at one end such as the use of 3D printing production step. Then turn on both sides of the mold are well after bonding, but hemisphere latch here there will be no use of. Later found another relative to both sides of the wooden mold and then making the master model, you can dig out the appearance of shape, but as the production of the intermediate structure does not come out. The first step is painted surface with Vaseline to do aside from the material.
    Round 2。思考一陣,結構問題只能使用分開製作輪子來解決,左右兩側個別的母模,開放一端如使用3D列印製作的步驟。兩側分別翻模做好後後再黏合,不過此處的半圓球卡榫就沒有用途了。後來發現另一種將兩面木模具相對再製作母模,便可翻出外觀形狀,但中間結構一樣製作不出來。第一步先用凡士林塗滿表面才好撥離材料。

    Poured into the alginate.

    After complete hardening can finally be removed.

    Use latch concave side when the bottom on top of that board, gypsum poured, you can make a complete exterior shape, the interior needs to be an additional drilling in the future into the motor. This mold although not very well produce the finished product available, but it was fun!

    3D printing production method:

    Subsequent use of 3D printing mechanism made a physical objects, and to turn his mother die.

    Worried surface due to unfavorable stripes printed mold making, first with a solvent for surface treatment, the smooth surface of some.

    Master model

    Master model making materials as will need: Silicone (silicone), hardening agents, mold release agents (silicone oil or Vaseline)

    Choose an empty box painted with a release agent. Mixing silicone and the corresponding hardener, I am using this mixing ratio is 1Kg: 18cc, and suppliers used different seasons remind proportions are different.
    Because the wheels having flat sides, so I do first base layer, and other dry and then put the wheels do turn mold movement. Objects and containers to the release agent.

    The drying time is about 10 hours, removed and dried. You can see a good part not coated with a release agent adhesions.

    After making a good mother mold turning model can be carried out, I upper end is open, so we did not do more casting holes. The material can be poured directly.

    poly gum

    First with a transparent plastic poly try to see marked on the mixing ratio of 1Kg: 10g. This material has a strong pungent odor, and the curing agent is a strong oxidant, the instructions on the Notes Do not touch metal objects, there may be heat generation. We need to work in a ventilated place. From mixing to solidify only 30min. When used in the poly silicone film can not seem to use a release agent, but in order to mold my life, I will be sprayed with a release agent.

    And this material flow is very good, although there will be bubbles, but will slowly go to prison in forming the upper layer, you can manually punctured, if there is no break left on the surface may cause holes.


    The second material is a common sense gypsum (gesso), it seems to be very common to the art of engraving material as a gray powder. Just mixed with water will be modulated within 6 ~ 10min initial curing. But drying to wait several days. I have here is the mixing ratio of gypsum: water = 1KG: 0.75KG.

    Beginning liquidity is very good, but in the end left some bubbles on the surface. So some pit.


    The third attempt materials are generally hard wax (wax), this is my material in the production of candles. The furnace was heated to melt the material after using watering molding. Once cooling is removable.

    Wax on the surface condensation contraction, so the collapse of the middle part down.

    The epoxy resin

    The fourth attempt materials are epoxy resin (epoxy), using a rapid hardening. A use of the agent and the B agent mixed hardening effect, two kinds of ratio of 2: 1. This material requires a vacuum device, the internal gas is eliminated. When not using the internal surface having a plurality of small bubbles and there are a lot of potholes. Curing time is about 10 hours.


  • The mixing ratio of the raw material is very important, the first mixed silicone waited two days has not yet dried, followed by a dropper to quantitatively successful completion.

  • Note that material safety, prepare safety equipment, such as masks, gloves, and pay attention to environmental ventilation. Species materials are liquid or paste, when the operation is very easy to drop in the desktop and floor mats can be cleaned easily some newspapers.
  • Too many holes in wood, via the same knife 1mm diameter very rough. Need to tool radius finer tools. Or with sandpaper and then polished. Also you need wax or Vaseline can make the mother die. Plywood is also due to internal repression is composed of many hardwood pieces together, there are many holes in the internal flaws and defects need to be repaired.
  • Only use roughing (Roughing) when the surface roughness, the need to re-use finishing (Finishing), in order to have a better finished products.

  • Tools:

  • Roland SRM-20
  • MODELA Player 4
  • 123D Design
  • File:

  • mould-L.stl
  • mould-R.stl
    • Fab Academy

      The Fab Academy is a Digital Fabrication Program directed by Neil Gershenfeld of MIT's Center For Bits and Atoms and based on MIT's rapid prototyping course, MAS 863: How to Make (Almost) Anything. The Fab Academy began as an outreach project from the CBA, and has since spread to Fab Labsaround the world. The program provides advanced digital fabrication instruction for students through an unique, hands-on curriculum and access to technological tools and resources.
    • Fablab Tainan

      Fab Lab Tainan was founded at Dec. 2013 at Tainan, Taiwan. It is the first Fab Lab at Southern Taiwan. Supported by Tainan City Government, this Lab hope could open for local citizen. The background photo of web page is the roundabout in front of Tainan train station.
    • Who Am I

      I'm Jia-Hao Chang from Fablab Tainan.I'm senior staff of Association of Digital Culture, Taiwan (ADCT).In this years, I have participated the project of digital curriculum.My career is to empower people employing digital manufacturing technology or tools toimprove their problem.