Exercise 06 Electronics Design


  1. Redraw the echo hello-world board
  2. Add a button & LED to the board
  3. Mill and stuff board
  4. Simulate its operations


EAGLE is a PCB CAD softwares that is free and cross-platform. It was a seemingly uphill task - design a schematic and board using EAGLE (Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor). Fortunately, I was relieved to know that there are tutorials available to help me accomplish the task. I am glad I spent my day one reading though them carefully before attempting to do anything. These tutorials are very detailed and were sufficient to help me work around Eagle.

It can be as easy as reading the component image, following instruction and looking at other people's example. Study the component board and the existing traces carefully and take note what components are needed.

Things to take note:

Hello World Component List

For easy reference, names in brackets are the ones added to my schematic design on Eagle.

Working on Eagle

Working on Eagle

Design Rule Check (DRC)

Design Rule Check is the area of Electronic Design Automation that determines whether the physical layout of a particular chip layout satisfies a series of recommended parameters called Design Rules. The most basic design rules for single layer rules are width and spacing / clearance. A width rule specifies the minimum width of any shape in the design. A spacing (clearance) rule specifies the minimum distance between two adjacent objects. I have used the clearance settings as shown in screenshot below to run a DRC test on my board design and found some errors. Running 3 routes in between the tiny44 chipset was a bad idea. They were too close to one another.

Version 1 - Insufficient clearance

I amended and re-routed some of the traces and added my name at the top left corner. This time the text returned an error. This was be rectified by changing the properties of the text to vector format.

Version 2 - The text "chin" at the top left corner retured an error, but was rectified by changing to vector format.

Version 3 - Finally error-free.

The Milling Process

The recommended solution is to use fabmodule to generate the board.

Using Fabmodule

Settings used to generate G-code

In our lab, we have the following mills, and we will be using the PCB2020B for this week's assignment.
Configuring the Z axis of the PCB2020B CNC Router

Running the ULP
Steps to generate the G-code of the milling path

Milled Board

Stuffing the board

Compared to week 4, stuffing the board was much smoother after I got the hang of how things should be done. I felt more confident in reading schematic diagrams. I was also able to know the right amount of solder to apply to prevent shorts. Things to take note includes:

Stuffed Hello world PCB board

Exploring 123D Circuits

To learn how to use, I watched the youtube tutorial by Autodesk 123D. This web application is very easy to use and can quickly simulate circuits. Similar to Eager, there are 2 interfaces: schematics view, PCB view, and there is an option to import EAGLE files to the application. The Lab view takes you to a bread board where you can set up and circuit and simulate it to test its workability. There is also a code editor to write program to it. There are some basic checks for overlapping and routing.

The shortcomings are:
123D Circuit

Download Week 6 work files
