What is this about

Color box is a a kind of toys for most of people. It can change the color in many situation which can make people feel relax.
As it is a toy, i can sell it to the Ikea or kind of shops.

Or i can sell it to the bar!


As the color box is a kind of new electrical thing, basically needs to associate with a cement company interested in develop innovative concrete applications like Xiaomi that promotes by architectural competitions innovation and different types of uses of the concrete.

What type of company would be?

Toy company. This colorbox is kind of a toy. And for adults, it makes people feel relax. For children, it makes them focus on the color. So i think my color box will become a successful toy.

What type of License would have?

MIT License (MIT)

I choose this license only because it's pretty cool..Looks like i made something under MIT..
Compare with fab lab license, they are both open source licenses. But MIT license allows people to make this thing to a further kind of product. I am happy to see some one use my design and make it better, so i choose MIT license.