Final Project: Notes

1. Inspiration

Heart Spark

Heart Spark is a heart-shaped pendant which flashes little lights (light emitting diodes, LEDs) in time with your heart beat.

This video shows how it works:

"Les Archives du Cœur" / "the heart archive" - Christian Boltanski

"Les Archives du Cœur", by Christian Boltanski, permanently houses recordings of the heartbeats of people throughout the world. Christian Boltanski has been recording these heartbeats since 2008. Les Archives du Cœur is a testament to the recordees' existence. The recordings may be listened to by visitors. It is also possible to record your own heart beat here.

“Heartbeat Picnic” - Junji Watanabe

short paper:“Heartbeat Picnic”: Workshop for Touching Heartbeats, Junji Watanabe, Yui Kawaguchi, Kyosuke Sakakura and Hideyuki Ando,2011

MAKE: PROJECTS Infrared Pulse Sensor
MAKE: PROJECTS Infrared Pulse Sensor

Pulse of the City by GEORGE ZISIADIS
Pulse of the City - Instructables

almost same idea...!

2. Sensors

ready-made sensors

Pulse Sensor by SparkFun.

Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor - AD8232 by SparkFun

- this is interesting to read

3. Sound

Mozzi is sound synthesis library for Arduino.

4. board
