Electronic production.

Fourth week

The assignment of this week concern production and assembling of an electronic circuit.
At first we must understand "what" is he. In the sense of knowledge about their function, and funcion of they're parts too. So, we started with a beginner's view of them.
I've seen different random things online and asking when I have huge doubts.

Diod= semiconductor, he let energy pass only in one direction.
Zener diod= as the diod, but he let energy pass back after determinate threshold.
Capacitor= preserve a determinate amount of energy.
Quartz crystal= generate the "clock" on the process.

Files: Traces and Board.

To make the file for the machine I used the Fab Modules.

You can find my passages step by step to use it Here.

I've set the rotation speed on minimum during the heating process, and to maximum during the cutting process.

Traces output statistics:

-Top size 1/64
-Output srm 20: [x:0-y:0-z:0]
-Offset: 5

Interior output statistics:

-Top size: 1/32
-Cut depth: 0,6

When you're moving the top BE CAREFUL to make an high Z before move it on X and Y. The risk is to broke the top.

Because I'm stupid, and under pressure I make huge mistakes, I've assembled the microcontroller upside down. I resolved the problem by a friend advice, with a copper net.
Unfortunally I lost a track on the process, but it wasn't necessary for the moment. If I need it I will try to resolve the damage with a bridge.

Than I've programmed it using UsbAsp, with Arduino's libraries, following this tutorial.


. 1 ATTiny 44 microcontroller
. 1 Capacitor 1uF
. 2 Capacitor 10 pF
. 2 Resistor 100 ohm
. 1 Resistor 499 ohm
. 1 Resistor 1K ohm
. 1 Resistor 10K
. One 6 pin header
. 1 USB connector
. 2 jumpers - 0 ohm resistors
. 1 Cystal 20MHz
. Two Zener Diode 3.3 V
. One usb mini cable
. One ribbon cable
. Two 6 pin connectors

Copyleft © Alessandro Patrizi 2016