The end is near...

This seems to be the last week of our modular assignments, our most complicated electronics assignment (yet) and our culminating module before finalizing our final project. So much to do with so little time; let's get started!

For this week's assignment, I will be using my board from the embedded programming week to communicate to my computer. Essentially, my idea is to program my button and LEDs to do something and the end effector ( picture of some kind) will display and interact at the same time. For my code, I will be using the same one I made in Embedded Programming (where I took parts of the button from Input Devices the light board for Output Devices)and interfacing using Processing and Python.

For my first interface using Python, I went into Neil's code and made a few changes to it.

old interface     new interface

For my second interface trial in using Processing, within my code I defined how I wanted my window to look and what I wanted it to show or do.

      processing window

Because I used red and green LEDs, I wanted them to be a representation kind of like traffic signals; that is why within my interface and video it shows red and green elipses flashing on either side of the window. Eventually, I think with more practice, I would like to create the following images and use them replacing the ellipses.

stop     go