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17. Machine design


  • Group assignment
    • actuate and automate your machine
    • document the group project and your individual contribution

Group Assignment

End Effector

Design 3d print version

I made a following rapid prototype of Rack & Pinion mechanism using laser cutter at week#15. However it was not so firm that I had to support it manually during moving.

This week, I planned to design the integrated mechanism for 3D printer.

Designed the servo motor s001.

The design flow of the Rack & Pinion is almost same as that of week#15. The difference is that I learned how to define the size of gear. Tough there is no parameter such as ‘size’ in the panel, the Module value define the size by the following formula.

Module = Pitch Diameter / Number of Teeth

Extruded the sketch.

I sketched a teeth of the Rack following the tooth of the gear.

Using the ‘Rectangular pattern’ tool, 12 teeth were created.

Sketched rectangle under the teeth.

Sketched a guide that supports the up/down movement of the rack

Extruded the Rack.

Designed the holder for the Japanese brush.

The holder and the Rack were jointed.

Base design

Two holes are joint for coreXY main unit.

3D print

Improvement 1

As the up and down movement was not steady, I designed following guide to attach beside the rack.

  • video  
    Check the movement using volume.

Improvement 2

While drawing, the lower part of brush swung horizontally. So I attached additional holder at the bottom of the rack.
