
Output Devices

Materials, tools and software

Roland MXD - 40 (Tools)
plaque copper (Materials)
Fab Modules (Software)

Add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed and program it to do something

In this assignment, I join imput + output devices to my final projects

Steppers Motors Control

This system perform the function of controlling the fall of material, which is activate when the necessary height is greater to the determined height which allow the activation of the stepper motor by means of the signals that are sent form the microprocessor to the drier generating movement in the engine and this in turn drives the mechanism show below.

Distance Sensor Sharp ir
Stepper Motor Driver A4988
Bipolar Stepper Motor Nema 17
Board Designed

arduino test

PCB board

To make this board, I modify the design based on my needs. I remove some headers and change the position of different components and optimizing the components and position of the pins to my project.



--Use library
--declarate variables
--configurate by outputs and inputs
--read analogyc signal
--if analogyc signal > X
--Stepper motor move
--else stepper motor stop

Integration of Board

Have I

Described your design and fabrication process using words/images/screenshots.

In the top you have all information of the process.

Explained the programming process/es you used and how the microcontroller datasheet helped you.

In the next link take all information o the microcontroller

Atmega 328

Outlined problems and how you fixed them

Included original design files and code




In this assignment, we are make different projects for the machine. I made FABNET for connect some Gestalt Node.
In this link you can see the information of the FABNET:


You can take all information and the files for make the FabNet.
For connect the FabNet you need the FTDI USB. I make a connector for this connection because is more practice for save resources