Fab Lab UTEC

Digital Fabrication and Prototyping Lab in Lima, Peru

We develop prototypes using Digital Fabrication Technology.
Our main goal is enable of innovation and engineering and design-related Projects.
For Fab Academy information, please refer to the Fab Academy Section

About Fab Lab UTEC

What about our lab?

Fab Lab UTEC is a digital fabrication and prototyping lab in UTEC University in Lima, Peru. The lab is adscribed to the Industrial Engineering Department, however, it serves students and faculty. from all the Departments.
Our main line of work is as a platform for Students' Engineering Projects development, especially regarding the Engineering Projects Workshop (a cross-department course) and Product Design and Prototyping.
Our educational offer includes Courses for kids and teenagers.

Our Approach

If our Fab Lab was to be a person, it would Probably be a mix of a Ronin Samurai (looking for someone to serve and problems to solve) and a craftsman (since craftsmanship is more about the practice of making something original, but not necessarily unique)
It is because of this that we try to cover both the design and engineering aspects of the Product Development process, trying to stimulate our students to work together and create compelling and interesting solutions.

Fab Academy 2017 in UTEC

This is our first year in the Fab Academy Program and we have currently four students enrolled:

Since is our first year, we are under the Supernode Lima oversight, and the Instructing team is composed by:

Get in touch

Feel free to contact us regarding any potential collaborations and projects
