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This week the assigment was to build our own web page where we will be documenting our process week by week.


It is intentional that my website looks like it has been made in the 90s. I really want to just biuld it from scratch and learn about CSS and HTML. The website is presenting my current knowledge and skills in web development - still somewhere deep in the last century.

As a text editor I am using BRACKETS. It is an open source text editor and so far I like it.
To refresh my HTML skills I watched few tutorials online at CODE ACADEMY (available for free). I recommend it if you are beginner like me.


GIT - version control allows you to have “versions” of a project, which show the changes that were made to the code over time, and allows you to backtrack if necessary and undo those changes.
To install GIT, generate a SSH key and configure my username and email, I followed the step by step guide HERE. I also took a course in GIT at CODE ACADEMY which was helpful to understand and try it out.

The commands I use to upload my files are:

cd (change directory)- to choose directory - use TAB to automaticaly finnish words
git pull
git add .
git commit -m "your comment on what you are uploading"
git push


For my final project I would like to make a series of interactive illustrations / sculptures, program their moves and design the way of displaying them.
More about the project ideas you can find HERE.
More about the actual project development will be documented HERE.
The final project when its ready you can see HERE.


Here you can see some of the projects that inspire me when I'm thinking about my final project. I like the simple animated motion in gif imagery. Would it be possible to make something similar in a 3 dimentional object?


This week I built my website using html and bits of .css code copied from other websites.
I have also formulated a final project proposal and description. I learned how to push my files into repository.
I have also documented my process here on my website and pushed the website to the class archive.
It is really time consuming to document everything and it doesnt come naturally to me so I will be trying to get better at documenting my process.
I will keep working on my webpage to improve it over the coming weeks.

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at OLAMIRECKA@GMAIL.COM