
Until 17 May 2017

Networking and Communications
Hello Serial Bus!


- Making the 'Hello serial bus' board
- Programming board
- HC-12 with Arduino

Making the 'Hello serial bus' board

One bridge and two nodes.

Download files:
bridge trace file, bridge outline file, bridge.brd file, bridge.sch file

Download files:
node trace file, node outline file, node.brd file, node.sch file

After fabmodule, roland cnc, and solder.

Programming board

Programmed my boards individually. Today, I made all the rookies mistake.

Change #define node_id '0' to '1' and '2'. Give the bridge and nodes address.

Make file: make -f hello.bus.45.make program-usbtiny

Error: I thought this was the end.

Because I'm using usbtiny: avrdude -p t45 -P usb -c usbtiny -U flash:$(PROJECT).c.hex

Make hex: avrdude -p t45 -P usb -c usbtiny -U flash:w:hello.bus.45.c.hex

Hye-Jin helped me with her code. It is little bit different from mine, but both works.

After programming all the PCB individually. Connect it right direction of FTDI and wire with 4 pins.

In Arduino IDE, go to serial monitor.

At the end, I made a short by connecting in the wrong parts. Everyone around me saw smoke coming out of my node 2 board.

Download files:
hello.bus.45.c, hello.bus.45.make


HC-12 with Arduino

Just as a practice, I've used Arduino and HC-12.

Because I got the code directly from a website( Instructables: about the HC-12
). I had this stray '/302' error. Arduino IDE was showing weird letters.

I still have problem with not sending but receiving, but I was successful on sending data through HC-12!

- All about circuits: about The HC-12
- link to The HC-12 User Manual

15th Meeting:
networking and communications 10 May, 2017 10pm~1am(Seoul)


o - Implement and interpret networking protocols
o - Described your design and fabrication process of your OWN DESIGNED BOARD
o - Explained the programming process you used and how the protocol you use works
o - Outlined problems and how you fixed them
o - Described your problems and how you fixed
o - included original design files (Eagle, KiCad, Inkscape - whatever)