The only person

who can stop you

is you

David Salvador Mosquera



1. PCB design to control wifi module

2. Weld components.

the module ESP-03 does not work as it was burne, I'm testing the module ESP-01


All information contained in this page I obtained from

This module only has 2 pins that can work as input or output.


1. PCB design to control wifi module.


All the information shown below was obtained from:

2. Download files operating with Arduino: Open Arduino, click File and click Freferences

3.Copy URL:

paste in Additional Boards Manager URLs and click ok.

3. Click Tool, go to Board and click Boards Manager.

4. We do a search: ESP8266. Install and close

5. Go to Herramientas and select Board: Generic ESP8266 module.

3. Programming (consider your IP )

open the images in a new tab

4. Upload

5. Download the application for Android here

6. Answers your phone to the wireless network and open the application

7.Have fun testing this module.